Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Git send email for STNFC

I had studied and used git send email before but had left it there only. Today I was required to use it in order to create a patch for STNFC driver. This made many changes to the Linux kernel so the size of the patch I was required to create was clearly bigger than any patch I have ever created.
I needed to brush my skills over git send-email in order to be able to do this. It helped that when I studied it I create a document explaining everything required. I studied up that document and went ahead with the work in hand.
First of all I made all the changes by hand. Commited the changes and then created a patch from it. But of course the patch created was not in the right format as checked by the scripts given in the Linux kernel source. So I had to add signed off to the commit and also a description of the commit in order to make things perfect. Finally I had a single patch that could hopefully incorporate all the changes required to run the driver.

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